Product Pricing strategies for Amazon & Flipkart Seller.

Pricing strategies for sellers on Amazon/Flipkart.

Globalization in India has excessed to a tremendous level in India. We come across several E-commerce websites in day to day life. The rate of online market and its buyers and sellers has increased to another level. The major problem that arises for online marketing is pricing the product that you are selling. The pricing[…]

Sell on Amazon/Flipkart with right pricing strategy

Sell on Amazon/Flipkart with right pricing strategy

Just a while ago I felt like doing shopping for myself and I found a wide variety of dresses for myself, now-a –days there is such wide variety for every product by which you can avail yourself any product from 100  bucks to 1000 bucks and so on. For customers like me it’s a boon[…]

Secrets to become top amazon seller

Secrets to become a Top Amazon Seller [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you an Amazon seller? Are you looking to improve your sales and become a top Amazon seller? If yes, you are in the right place. Below infographic explains in detail, how to become a top Amazon seller.

ecommerce buybox cart

How to win more BuyBox on Amazon/Flipkart

What is BuyBox? As a Amazon or Flipkart seller, the one factor that has highest impact on your sales is BuyBox. What is BuyBox? According to Amazon it is the box on a product detail page where customers can begin the purchasing process. But for sellers it means selected seller that gets the order when[…]

Set Right ecommerce Pricing Strategy

Test your Ecommerce Pricing Strategy

As with many things in ecommerce, one size does not fit all, so it is important to measure and test the success of changes you make to your online store’s pricing strategy. Ideally, every change should be tested and validated with an analytics tool (i.e. Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Shopify Sales Dashboard). For example, find out[…]


E-Commerce Sellers: Pricing is no more a Tough Decision

While we are one month away from hitting 2016, the sellers are working out on their pricing strategies to win more deals in the coming year. Setting new targets to take their business to next level.   We carried out a research on our existing prospect and found pricing is one of key concern for[…]


How To Price Your Products On Multiple Platforms?

If you are a seller who has listed the products on multiple platforms like Flipkart, Snapdeal, ebay, Shopclues, Paytm, Askmebazaar etc. you must be sleeping over the pricing strategies to adopt.   Online shopping portals have different criterias for product listing, appearing on buy box, commission structures, price updates and so on. It becomes a[…]