repricing software in india

How to stay ahead of Competition using Repricing Software?

Competition on online marketplace has reached to a new level. Staying ahead of the competition, winning buy box and increasing sales are the major concerns of a online seller. That’s where a repricing software plays it’s part. What is Repricing Software? Repricing software allows online sellers to compare their product prices with other competitors prices[…]

Free Amazon repricer vs Modern Day Amazon Repricer

How Modern Day Amazon Repricers are Different from Amazon Repricer ??

A free Amazon Repricer tool is provided by amazon for the sellers who sell on amazon platform. But let me tell you with free stuff there are always limitations. Limitations which holds your margins from growing. Most modern day Amazon Repricers like BoxNsights employ advanced algorithm and provide high configurability that help the sellers grow[…]

Sell on Amazon/Flipkart with right pricing strategy

Sell on Amazon/Flipkart with right pricing strategy

Just a while ago I felt like doing shopping for myself and I found a wide variety of dresses for myself, now-a –days there is such wide variety for every product by which you can avail yourself any product from 100  bucks to 1000 bucks and so on. For customers like me it’s a boon[…]

Set Right ecommerce Pricing Strategy

Test your Ecommerce Pricing Strategy

As with many things in ecommerce, one size does not fit all, so it is important to measure and test the success of changes you make to your online store’s pricing strategy. Ideally, every change should be tested and validated with an analytics tool (i.e. Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Shopify Sales Dashboard). For example, find out[…]